Inbound marketing is a pretty simple concept if you will take the MBA-speak away. It’s simply finding customers through having them find you first. You don’t go out looking for them, they come in looking for you. They’ll come in looking for you, if you do the right kind of advertising – or inbound marketing.


There have been studies published recently that show that people mistrust traditional advertising these days more than ever before (and they didn’t trust them a whole lot to begin with).

These days, they would rather go on the Internet and seek out information on their own. Digging for information on their own makes them feel like the information they get is real.

When they go out searching for information like this, you want them to be able to find you. When they come by your business on their own, they feel a lot better about coming in the front door.


What we are then trying to say here is that you can’t hope to make it in business these days if your inbound marketing isn’t well sorted out. And the first rule to sorting your marketing out? You need to make sure that your search engine optimization is quite thorough. Once you make up your mind that your entire inbound marketing focus is about optimizing your website for the search engines, there are a number of things you can do. First on the list would be looking over your website to see if it’s optimized for the best keyword phrases for your business like this: Search Engine Optimization Services in Burlington Ontario

You need to use Google’s Keyword Tool and other resources to find out what words people use the most to find your kind of product or service. You also need to make sure that your website is properly designed around those very keywords. That’s your first step. Doing this would be the Internet equivalent of buying a storefront on the best shopping street in town. Use the right keywords, and it’s like you get on the street that most people use on their way to buying the kind of product you sell. They’re going to notice you.

Once you’ve done this (they call this on-page SEO), it’s time to go off-page – to do things around the Internet to make your website look good. To Google, off-page SEO was pretty important. They want to look to see what other people around Internet think about your website. If they link to your website, if there are mentions all around the place of your website, people on Facebook talk about you with links thrown in. And that’s when you will have it made.